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Total Hours Gadget

Viewing data in the Tempo Accounts gadgets requires the Approve Timesheets permission

The Total Hours gadget shows worked and/or billed hours for all accounts, customers, and categories. This gadget allows Managers and Executives to track overall worked and/or billed time.

For information about how to add the gadget to your Jira dashboard, see Tempo Gadgets.

To configure the Total Hours gadget:

  1. Go to your dashboard and click … at the upper-right of the Total Hours gadget.

  2. Select Edit.

  3. Edit the gadget configuration:

    • Data set – Account, Categories, or Customer, as already created through Tempo Accounts.

    • Chart Type – Select the chart type to illustrate the data in the most meaningful way to you.

    • Data type – You can select to show worked hours, billed hours, or both.

    • Select a period - Select the time period you want to display. Current and Previous periods are configured in Period Configuration.

  4. Click Save to display the results in a graph.



  5. The gadget is displayed in the dashboard with the selected criteria.

