Syncing Data Between Jira and Tempo

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Syncing Data Between Jira and Tempo

Worklogs can be created in either Tempo or Jira. Depending on where a worklog is originally created, data is synced between the two systems. You can choose how to sync Tempo worklogs related to Internal Issues in Tempo Settings.

Tempo-Originating Worklogs

By default, when a worklog is first created in Tempo, a corresponding worklog is created in Jira. This worklog is created without user attribution to respect view privileges for worklogs. Any update or delete action made to the worklog in Tempo is reflected in Jira. However, any changes made to the worklog in Jira are ignored in Tempo.


Worklog updated in Jira

Worklog updated in Tempo

Time logged in Jira

Time logged in Tempo

Worklog Discrepancies

Since Tempo-originating worklogs aren’t updated or deleted when changes are made in Jira, there might be a discrepancy between the number of worklogs Jira reports and the number of worklogs that Tempo reports.

In this case, the number of worklogs that Tempo reports is higher than the number of worklogs that Jira reports, all else being equal.

For example, if a user deletes 5,000 Tempo-originating worklogs in Jira, the count of worklogs for the corresponding issue in Tempo remains at 5,000.

Recommendations for reporting

To avoid discrepancies in reporting, we recommend using Tempo Reports and the Tempo API.

If your organization uses Jira webhooks or other integrations that use Jira and/or the Jira API for reporting, please note that due to the discrepancies in how Jira-originating and Tempo-originating worklogs behave, there may be inconsistencies between these sources and Tempo reports.

If you want to report on worklog changes, you can use the Tempo API to search for new worklogs, or you can subscribe to worklog events using Tempo webhooks.

Jira-Originating Worklogs

When a worklog is first created in Jira, a corresponding worklog is created in Tempo. Jira-originating worklogs are usually created if users were logging time in Jira before Timesheets by Tempo is installed.

As the worklog originated in Jira, any change made to the worklog through Jira is updated in Jira, as expected, and then synced to the Tempo worklog. Any change made to the worklog through Tempo is also reflected in Jira to provide a better user experience.

Jira worklogs are anonymized - they aren't attributed to individuals, don't contain Tempo {time record | worklog} descriptions, and don't contain additional information, such as Work Attributes.


Worklog updated in Jira

Worklog updated in Tempo

Time logged in Jira

Time logged in Tempo

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