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Permissions Overview

The tables below list the following types of permissions and roles:

  • Some important Jira permissions that Tempo relies upon.

  • Tempo administrative and user permissions.

  • Tempo roles, such as Team Lead and Account Lead, which already include certain permissions.


  • For Tempo users with Approve Timesheets permissions, you must also have View All Worklogs permissions on the projects you are reviewing in order to see the worklogs of other users.

  • For Jira users to be able to access and use Tempo Timesheets, they must have the Work On Issues permission for at least one Jira project. See the Project permissions and roles table below.

  • For Jira users to be able to log time in Tempo Timesheets, Time tracking must be ON in Jira.

On this page:

Global Permissions




Who can give permission by default

Configuration location




Who can give permission by default

Configuration location

Tempo Timesheets Access

Permission to:

  • Grant or deny access to Tempo Timesheets to specific groups in your organization.

  • Grant or deny access to external Jira users with permission to view your Jira issues.

All Jira users in your organization are granted access by default. This permission can can be useful if there are users in your organization who may need to view tasks in Jira, but who are not required to log time.

This permission does not restrict developers from using the Tempo REST APIs according to their permissions.

Jira Administrators

Jira administration at the top-right > System > SECURITY Global permissions

Tempo Planner Access

Grant or deny access to Tempo Planner to specific groups in your organization, or to external Jira users with permission to view your Jira issues. 

All Jira users in your organization are granted access by default.

Tempo Budgets Access

Grant or deny access to Tempo Budgets to specific groups in your organization, or to external Jira users with permission to view your Jira issues. 

All Jira users in your organization are granted access by default.

Jira Administrators

  • Permission to:

    • Perform most Jira administrative tasks

    • Perform most Tempo administrative tasks

  • Tempo Administrators permission (see below)

  • Tempo Team Administrators permission (see below)

  • Tempo Account Administrators permission (see below)

By default, Jira Administrators are not granted Tempo Rate Administrators permission (see below). However, Jira Administrators can grant themselves any type of Tempo administrative or user permission that they do not already have.

Browse Users 

Permission to view lists of Jira user names and group names and to select users or groups from the lists.

Many users might require this permission.


  • Tempo Team Administrators (see below) require Browse Users permission so that they can add members to teams.

  • Many users might require Browse Users permission so that they can re-assign issues to other users.

Tempo Administrators

Permission to:

  • Manage internal Issues

  • Open and close worklog periods

  • Test who can edit worklogs

  • Define the working week

  • Specify public holidays

  • By default, Jira Administrators receive Tempo Administrators permission.

  • Only Jira Administrators can do some other Tempo Timesheets administrative tasks.

Tempo Account Administrators

Permission to:

  • Create, configure, and delete accounts. Some account configuration tasks require Jira Administrators permission.

  • Change the target revenue in account revenue reports.

  • Only users with Approve Timesheet permission (see below) can approve accounts.

  • Only Jira Administrators can configure the following account settings:

    • Whether the account value is cleared when issues are moved between projects

    • An alternative name for the account field

    • Whether an account value is required or optional in a field configuration

  • By default, Jira Administrators receive Tempo Account Administrators permission

Tempo Team Administrator

Permission to:

  • Create, configure, browse, and delete teams, and manage team permissions.

  • Assign team leads

  • Create, configure, and delete programs (groups of teams) and iterations for programs, and to plan time for teams and team members.

  • Create workload and holiday schemes, and move staff between these schemes.

  • Tempo Team Administrators can grant themselves Approve Timesheet permission and Plan Time permission (see below).

  • By default, Jira Administrators receive Tempo Team Administrators permission

Tempo Rate Administrators

Permission to:

  • Set price rates for team roles in different teams.

  • Change the target revenue on account revenue reports.

Price rates are used for revenue reports and billing.

Project Permissions and Roles




Who can give permission role by default

Configuration location




Who can give permission role by default

Configuration location

Administer Projects

Within the context of a project, permission to edit:

  • Project role membership

  • Project components

  • Project versions

  • Some project details

Jira Administrators

Jira administration at the top-right > Projects > project name > Permissions

Browse Projects

Within the context of a project, permission to:

  • Browse the project

  • Use the issue navigator

  • View individual issues

Work On Issues

  • Permission to access and use Tempo Timesheets

  • Within the context of a project, permission to log time on issues

Troubleshooting tips

  • Jira users cannot access or use Tempo Timesheets if they do not have Work On Issues permission for at least one Jira project.

  • Jira users cannot log work if Time tracking is turned OFF in Jira.

View All Worklogs

Within the context of a project, permission to view all worklogs

Troubleshooting tip

A possible reason why worklogs are not viewable is that users do not also have Browse Projects permission (see above).

Log Work for Others

Within the context of a project, permission to log work on behalf of other Jira users who have permission to log time for the project

Delete All Worklogs

Within the context of a project, permission to delete all worklogs made on issues.

Delete Own Worklogs

Within the context of a project, permission to delete own worklogs made on issues.

Edit All Worklogs

Within the context of a project, permission to edit all worklogs made on issues.

Edit Own Worklogs

Within the context of a project, permission to edit own made on issues.

Set Billable Hours

Within the context of a project, permission to set billable hours of worklogs for the project in Tempo.

View Issue Hours

Ability to access the total number of hours per issue, but not to see individual worklogs.

Team Permissions and Roles




Who can give permission or role by default

Configuration location




Who can give permission or role by default

Configuration location

Tempo Team Administrator

See the Global Permissions table above.

Team Lead role

  • Browse Team permission (see below) for the team that you lead

  • Approve Timesheet permission (see below) for the team that you lead

  • Plan Time permission (see below) for the team that you lead

  • Permission to configure your team

  • Team Member role

The Team Lead role is not sufficient for moving employees between workload or holiday schemes or for changing the Team Lead.

You can specify a Team Lead when you create a team:

Teams   > Create Team

or by configuring basic team information:

Teams   > team name > Team Lead

View Team Worklogs

Permission to view all worklogs for all team members.

Teams  > team name >  at the top-right > Permissions

Manage Team Worklogs

Can manage worklogs, i.e. create, edit, and delete team member worklogs. Users with this permission can make changes to worklogs in user timesheets after the scheduler has closed the timesheet period.

Approve Timesheets

Permission to approve timesheets, i.e. review, approve, and reject team member timesheets.

View Team Plans

Permission to view time planned for team members.

Manage Team Plans

Permission to manage plans, i.e. create, edit, and delete team member plans.

Approve Plans

Permission to approve plans, i.e. review, approve, and reject team member plans.

Manage Team

Permission to manage a team, i.e. add members, edit team settings, and manage team permissions. Users with this permission can make changes to worklogs in user timesheets after the scheduler has closed the timesheet period.

View Team

Permission to view a team and its members. This permission is always granted to all permission roles for the team.

Customer and Account Permissions and Roles

Permission or role



Who can give permission or role by default

Configuration location

Permission or role



Who can give permission or role by default

Configuration location

Tempo Account Administrators

See the Global Permissions table above.

  • Jira Administrators

Tempo Rate Administrators

See the Global Permissions table above.

  • Jira Administrators

Account Lead role

  • Responsibility for the account

  • Browse Customer Revenue permission (see below) if you are a user of Jira and Tempo Timesheets

Account Leads must be Jira users, but are not required to be Tempo Timesheets users.

  • Tempo Account Administrators

  • Jira Administrators

You can specify an Account Lead when you create an account or when you edit the account information:

Accounts   > account name > People Involved > Lead

Browse Customer Revenue

Permission to view the account revenue report and the time and expenses report for accounts that are associated with a customer.

Account Leads are automatically granted the Browse Customer Revenue permission for all customers.

Accounts   > Customers >  at the top-right > Permissions