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Tempo Planner FAQ

 What to do if the Planner Timeline is empty?

If no project or board is linked to the team you want to plan on, a message message is displayed:

 Getting an error, when loading Tempo gadgets on JIRA Dashboard

Some users experience an error in Tempo Gadgets on the JIRA Dashboard after installing Tempo Planner.

(info) This happens when the Tempo Gadgets were used on a JIRA Dashboard and Tempo Timesheets has been uninstalled, but then Tempo Planner was installed.

The settings for the gadgets are stored in the database, but after uninstalling Tempo Timesheets, the data is no longer available and an error is displayed. Please delete these gadgets from your dashboard unless you are going to install Tempo Timesheets again. 

 Must the number of user licenses for JIRA match the number of user licenses for Tempo Planner?

Your JIRA and Tempo licenses will need to match, as with other Atlassian Marketplace add-ons. Having for example a 200 user licence for JIRA, will require a 200 user licence for Tempo Planner, even though it is to be used for 10 people.

 Can you plan an Issue on two people at different times/days, i.e., dev time and testing time?

Yes, you can plan multiple people to the same issue, and the team role can be used to denote if it is dev or test work, etc.

 Is there a way to share resources across teams and to plan time on them in each of the teams?

Yes, this is something you can do easily by planning a person xx% to team A and yy% to team B.

 Can we split one assignment into several time intervals?

Yes, you can /wiki/spaces/PLANNER/pages/357531991 and then move them on to a new date or assign them to another team member. Alternatively you can also create /wiki/spaces/PLANNER/pages/357532103.

 Can we assign a person to a version?

Yes, if the linked team scope is a JIRA Project, then you can assign a /wiki/spaces/PLANNER/pages/357532108 to a timeline member.

 Is planned work shown in the JIRA Issue view?

No it is not shown in the JIRA Issue view. Employees can see what they should be working on in a given week on the team members timeline.

 Are there any reports to predict future changes needed for teams?

In the Viewing team capacity, which can be viewed in three different formats, % Planned, Time Available and Effective Team Size, you can see for example if more people are needed on a team to finish the anticipated work.

 Can a team member have a defined date-span and availability on a team?

Yes this is done when configuring team members for a team. The parameters are Users, Status (active or not), Role, Availability, Leaving and Joining. 

 Why are closed issues displayed in the backlog?

All unresolved issues linked to the team, through project links or the team custom field, are displayed in the team backlog in Tempo Planner. It is not enough that the issues have the closed status, they need to be resolved as well.

Please see this FAQ from Atlassian for more information about Resolved vs Closed in JIRA.

 Does Tempo Planner integrate with JIRA Agile?

Yes, it does. A View in Tempo drop-down menu-button is added to each JIRA Agile board header, that has been linked to the team being planned on. The team can then be selected from the drop-down to open the team members timeline.

 Can I see JIRA sprints in Tempo Planner?

JIRA Agile does not recognize the Tempo Planner iterations but Tempo Planner recognizes JIRA Agile sprints.

To manage your Agile sprints, e.g. planning them in details, you have to go to the Tempo Planner timeline and plan the Agile sprints on the team's timeline.  By doing that you reserve all the team's remaining time for the sprint.  

After you have planned the sprint in the timeline, you can go to the Team Backlog and view your sprint in details.  Click the sprint card in the iteration sidebar and there you get all information for the sprint (e.g. workload, dates and more).  

The sprint view in Team Backlog is divided into two parts: Sprint (iteration) timeline and board.  

If you use the board, the issues will be assigned to users and everything you do in this view is reflected in JIRA.  

The iteration timeline forecasts issues in the sprints that have been assigned, based on remaining estimates, rank and blocked-by linking.  If you have planned something for the members on the other timeline, it will be shown on this timeline but the sprint timeline is not interactive - only shows plans from the other timeline and forecast for unplanned issues.   And when team members have logged work to their issues, the worklogs will be shown on the sprint timeline.  

On the board below the sprint timeline you can see remaining available time for the sprint for each team member and their assigned issues.  You can also see unassigned issues in the sprint backlog next to the board.  

Here is a short video explaining this how to plan sprints in Tempo Planner:

 Is Tempo Planner compatible with JIRA Data Center?

Yes, Tempo Planner is JIRA Data Center compatible along with our other Tempo suite of add-ons.

With Atlassian’s JIRA Data Center compatibility, Tempo delivers flexibility, high availability, and performance at scale, ensuring that our largest enterprise customers are not without our mission-critical time tracking, planning, budgeting, and portfolio management solutions.

If you’re interested in learning more then please take a look at Atlassian’s JIRA Data Center FAQs.

Tempo Timesheets for Server Documentation
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