Viewing plan details

You can view details about plans that are on the team members timeline.

Required permission

Browse Team permission for the team


To view details about a plan, click anywhere inside the plan, except on the issue key.

The 'Plan details' sidebar opens.

The 'Plan details' section of the sidebar contains the following information:

Planned for

    • This field displays the name of the team member that the time is planned for, or the name of the team if the plan is for the whole team.

    • Planning time for a team member to work on an issue is not the same as assigning the issue to the team member. Only one person can be assigned to an issue at any time, whereas time can be planned for more than one team member to work on the same issue simultaneously.

Plan item type

Time can be planned for work on an issue, project, version, or component. If JIRA Agile is installed, time can be planned for work on a sprint.

Plan item

Details about this plan item are displayed in the last section of the sidebar.

Plan summary

  • If a plan has a plan summary, the plan summary is displayed beneath the plan item key on the plan on the timeline.

  • If a plan does not have a plan summary, the plan item summary or description is displayed on the timeline instead, as explained in the following table:
Plan summaryPlan item typeDisplayed on plan on timeline, beneath plan item key
NoneIssueThe issue summary
ProjectThe project description
VersionThe version description
ComponentThe component description

Start and end dates

These dates define the period that the plan covers.

Planned time

Even if the availability of team members to work on the team is less than 100% of their time, planned time can still be for 100%.

Example: Erica works 8 hours a day. She is in two teams, with 50% availability for each team. The team lead saw that no work was planned for Erica on her other team and created a plan for 100% availability instead of 50%. All of Erica's 8 hours went into the plan.

Repeat and Until

If the plan is repeated weekly, every two weeks, or monthly, an Until date is displayed, which is the last possible start date of a plan in the series.



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