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Planning epics for a group of teams

The Program Board consist of a 3 main parts: a backlog, a status board and a collapsable issue sidebar. By using this view, the user can easily update statuses of Epics by using drag and drop. 


The program backlog shows epics in projects in the selected program.  The epics in the backlog are ranked by priority.

Epic Cards in Backlog

Every epic card shows

  • Epic Issue Key
  • Epice Name
  • Original estimate of the epic

Ranking Epic Backlog

To change the priority of an epic in the backlog

  1. Click the epic
  2. Drag it to a desired place in the backlog and drop it there


The board consists of three swimlanes:  To Do, In Progress and Done.  It is, furthermore, sectioned by all teams in the program.  

Collapsing/Expanding Team Sections

To collapse/expand a team section on the Program Board, click on the arrow on the right side of the team's name.

Epic cards

The epic cards on the board show

  • the epic key and name
  • story points and original estimate
  • a progress line, indicating the progress of the epic, showing logged work and remaining estimate
  • the fix version if given
  • a warning lozenge 
    • at risk: if the sum of logged hours and remaining estimate is greater than the original estimate
    • over budget: if the sum of logged hours is greater than the original estimate

Story points on epic cards are editable

Planning on Program Board

To give an epic from the backlog to a team, click the epic and drag it to a swimlane in the desired team section of the board.

The status of an epic can be updated dragging it to a corresponding lane. Additionally, an epic can be given to a different team by using drag and drop.

Navigate to Epic Issue View

To view an epic from the Program Board in Epic Issue View

  1. Click the epic issue key to open the Issue Sidebar
  2. Click the epic issue key in the header of the sidebar

Epic's budget (estimate)

The user can add budget (estimate) to epics, by using in-line editing.  

  1. Click on the hours box in the top right corner of the epic card you want to change.
  2. Write the new budget and press enter.

If this estimate is at risk, that is, if it is likely that logged hours will be more then the estimate, a yellow lozenge will appear on the card with the warning message At Risk.  If the logged hours have exceeded the budget a red lozenge will appear with the warning message Over-Budget

Issue Sidebar

The Issue Sidebar on Program Board shows all issues of a chosen epic. It is initially closed but to open the sidebar the user can click the epic issue key on the epic card. 

Epic cards

The epic cards in the sidebar show

  • Issue Key
  • Issue Type Icon
  • Story Points
  • Issue Status 
  • Issue Summary
  • Fix Version
  • A progress bar, indicating the progress of the issue by displaying logged work and remaining estimate

Navigating to an issue in Epic

To view an issue from Epic in Issue View

  1. Click the epic key to open the sidebar
  2. Locate the issue in the Issue Sidebar and click on its key




Tempo Timesheets for Server Documentation
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