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Defined Plan Item

A defined plan item, is done by selecting an item from the /wiki/spaces/PLANNER/pages/357532108 by clicking on it, dragging it and releasing it onto a timeline row for a member.

Holiday Schemes

Holiday Schemes provide a way to group Tempo users based on different holiday requirements for each user.

Move to Issue

Defined plan items (Epics, Components, Versions, Sprints), can be /wiki/spaces/PLANNER/pages/357532105 to associated Issues. Undefined plan items, need to be moved in two steps, first to a defined item and then to an Issue.


The Hierarchy and navigation page explains that planning can be done on different teams and the user can navigate to other Tempo products.

Out of Scope Plan Item

A plan item done on a member in a different team (if the member is two or more teams) from the current timeline, is out of scope and is display transparent. It is also possible to /wiki/spaces/PLANNER/pages/357532107, that are out of scope.

Over Committed/Allocated

Plan Items that accumulate to more than 100% total commitment/availability for a timeline member, are shown with a yellow boarder on top to denote over commitment/allocation.

Plan Item Commitment

The /wiki/spaces/PLANNER/pages/357531993 of a plan item indicates the work ratio that will be dedicated to it. The commitment ratio can be set to 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%.

Planner Timeline

The planner timeline consists of a member column and planning rows for each member.

Plan Time Permission

The permission is given in through Tempo Teams for each team. It gives access to plan time on the members in a team, when that team is selected for the planner timeline.

Planner Custom Field

The custom field is installed automatically with Tempo Planner, but needs to be associated to screens. The field is needed to display and work with Tempo Planner iterations in JIRA issues and in relation to the team backlog.

Program Planning

Program planning is a way to do high level planning on teams within a program for the next few months.

(info) Before you start program planning, a program of teams needs to be created first through Tempo Teams.


Recurring Plan Item

/wiki/spaces/PLANNER/pages/357532103 means that it is distributed regularly over a period of time, like WeeklyBi-Weekly or Monthly.

Team Backlog

The team backlog is available for iteration plan items on the planner timeline. This feature is about visualising and organising an iteration plan item in a people oriented way, where a backlog area is shown to the left and issues on each team member to the right.

Team Capacity Report

Team Capacity report gives insights on the team's capacity, based on daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly plans. It can be viewed as % Planned, Time Available and Effective Team Size.

Team Planning

/wiki/spaces/PLANNER/pages/357531990 that are made on a team, which are then reflected on the members of the chosen team.

Timeline Scope

The team that is in focus on the planner timeline needs to have JIRA Projects and/or JIRA Agile boards linked to it. The linked items can then be chosen through a scope filter drop-down in the /wiki/spaces/PLANNER/pages/357532108.

Undefined Plan Item

 An undefined plan item is done by clicking directly on a planner timeline row, for a particular member to create a reserved box/slot.

Work Item

A /wiki/spaces/PLANNER/pages/357532108 is one of the following, EpicsComponentsVersionsSprints and/or Unassigned Issues, which can then be planned on timeline members.

Workload Schemes

Workload Schemes provide a way to group Tempo users based on different work requirements for each one of them