Account price table

Required permission

You will need the following Global Permissions:

  • Tempo Rate Administrator permission

Additionally, you will need one of the following permissions or roles:

  • Tempo Account Administrators permission
  • Account Lead role

Account Price Table

It is possible to choose a price table for an account and define a discount for the price table in the Account Price Table. The Tempo Default Price Table will apply to the account unless otherwise specified.

Access Price Table:

  1. From the Tempo drop down choose an account under ACCOUNTS
  2. Click the Configuration tab under the account navigator
  3. Press Price Table from the list to the left

Account Price Table - click to enlarge

Switching Price Tables

To associate a different price table with the account, do the following task:

Above the current price table, on the right side, in the box that contains the name of the price table, click the small down-arrow, and select a different price table from the list.

Account Discount

To add a discount to the account's price table, define a discount rate and press Apply.  When a discount has been defined, a new column is displayed in the table with the discounted rates. The discounted rates are used for calculating revenue in the revenue report and the time-and-expenses report.

Discounted Rates - click to enlarge

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