This page explains how to import accounts from template CSV. The page is divided into two sections, first how to import and then the content and structure of the CSV file is explained.

The Import Template CSV was included in Tempo Account Manager included in Timesheets versions lower than Timesheets 7.10. it is available in Tempo Accounts to respect backwards compatibility

(info) A few notes:

  • The Import Custom CSV offers a new way to similarly import a *.csv, but the user is lead through a series of screens to accomplish the goal.
  • The Account Custom Field is installed automatically with Tempo Accounts, but needs to be set to the screens according to your needs. 

How to Import

Follow these steps to import accounts from a CSV template:

  1. Choose the Import and Export Accounts option from the Manage menu, to access the Import / Export Accounts screen.
  2. Select the Import template CSV button, which opens the Import Accounts from CSV template dialog.

          The Import Accounts from CSV Template dialog (click to enlarge)

  3. Click the Choose File button and browse for your *.csv file to import.
    (info) A template file (TempoAccounts.csv) can be downloaded from the Import / Export Accounts screen, with a header line and one example account line.
  4. To exit the dialog, click the Import button to finish the process and Close link to opt out.

(info) A few notes:

  • JIRA Issues created before linking their project to an account, do not automatically become set to the account value. The value needs to be set afterwards and it is possible to bulk edit the JIRA issues.
  • Newly created accounts, get status Open after import.
  • The Manage Accounts page, explains when accounts get status Archived and other possible cases/results from the import.
  • All extra columns (no. 13 and above) in the import are ignored.

CSV File Explained

The CSV file can either be an export from an external account system or a file that is maintained manually. The table below explains the CSV file template attributes or columns.
(info) The delimiter in the file has to be a semicolon (";") and there should be no quotes around the values.

Table: The CSV file attributes/columns in order, both required and optional

OrderNameXML tag*Required**Description
1Account KeyaccountIdYes

Unique identifier for the Account Name, but it is also used as primary key for an account dataset.

(info) The key can be a combination of any letter (a-z, A-Z), digit (0-9), underscore ("_"), dash ("-") or a dot (".").

2Account NameaccountNameYes

Descriptive name for the account. The combination of the Account Key and Name is used to display the account in a JIRA issue or in the Log Work dialog.

(info) The Account Key and Name are the only required values to be included in the import file.

3Customer KeycustomerIdYes

Unique identifier for the Customer Name, which is only displayed on the add account Customers screen.

(info) If an imported Customer Key already exists, the Customer Name is updated with the imported Customer Name.

4Customer NamecustomerNameYes

Descriptive name for the customer. The customer is a way to group together JIRA projects or cost centres by customer or a common entity of your definition for the projects.

(info) The Customer Key and Name always need to be a pair in an import file.


Customer Contact Name


This is someone who represents the customer, either internally or externally.

6Category KeycategoryIdYes

Unique identifier for the Category Name, which is only displayed on the add account Categories screen.

(info) If an imported Category Key already exists, the Category Name is updated with the imported Category Name.

7Category NamecategoryDescriptionYes

Descriptive name for the Category. This is a way to create a division for an Account/Customer like Development or Marketing.

(info) The Category Key and Name always need to be a pair in an import file.

8Account Lead UsernameemployeeIdYes

The Account Lead is responsible for the account. If a value is provided for the Account Lead in the import file, it either needs to be the Username or Name:

  • If the Account Lead Username is provided and matches an existing JIRA username, this user is stored as the Account Lead.
  • If the Account Lead Name is the only value provided, it is used instead.
  • The Account Lead Username takes precedence if the JIRA username value is provided.
9Account Lead NameemployeeNameYes

See no. 8 above on Account Lead Username.

10JIRA Project KeyjiraProjectKeyNo

The project key as in JIRA. Use comma (",") separator to import keys for many projects for the same account.

(info) Remember that the column delimiter is a semicolon (";").

11Global AccountisGlobalNo

If you want the account to be Global, add value TRUE for this attribute in the import file and it will be displayed as Global in the linked Projects column in the Accounts Browser.

(info) This means the account can be included in every JIRA project.

If the value is FALSE or no value is provided, the account is not Global.

12Monthly BudgetmonthlyBudgetNo

The final available attribute is to add a Monthly Budget if preferred to the account.

* Which XML tag in the XML Import from Service file maps to attribute explained here.

** Required attribute/column, which means that the column needs to exist with a semicolon delimiter in the file, even though it has no value. The only required values are the Account Key and Name for successful import.

(info) A few notes:

  • The Account Key - NameCustomerCategory and Account Lead Name are all search-able in the Account Timesheet and account Reports.
  • If the relationship between an account and a project is one-to-one, then the account is selected by default when a new issue is created in the project.

An example of a row in a CSV file, where two optional attributes are included, e.g. a JIRA Project Key (TST) and a Global Account as false.

12000002;TM Software: Tempo;12345;Tempo Development;John Doe;300;Internal Dev.;JJ;John Johnsson;TST;false

The Account, Customer and Category keys do not need to be numeric.

An example from the Tempo template where the Customer and Category Keys are not numeric (only required attributes are shown in this example).

#Account Key;Account Name;Customer Key;Customer Name;Customer Contact Name;Category Key;Category Name;Account Lead Username;Account Lead Name
2200001;Acme Development;ACME;Acme Corporation;John Steel;DEV;Development;erica;Erica Jefferson