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Drag and Drop
Drag and drop allows you to quickly move or copy items within the structure.
To grab an item, move your mouse pointer over the Drag and Drop Handle at the far left of the item's row. Press and hold the handle as you move the issue to its new location.
As you move the item over the grid, the structure will rearrange itself to show the possible positions for the dragged items. Once the item is in the correct place, release the mouse button and the item will be moved.
Depending on how you move an item, a couple of different things can happen:
Moving Up or Down - Moves items up and down the hierarchy without changing the indentation level, if possible.
Moving Left or Right - Changes indentation level of the moved items, if possible.
In the example below, we are moving the issue Small Bug to the right, so it will become a child of Task 2.
Holding the shift key allows you to grab an item from anywhere on the row (except on a link). This is especially useful if you need to outdent an item, since the drag handle is usually close to the edge of the screen.
After dragging has started, you can release the shift key.
Copying Items
To copy an item within the structure (creating a second instance of the item), hold the Ctrl key as you drag it (Alt key for Mac).
When copying an issue from one location to another, you are not creating a second instance of the issue; rather, structure simply adds a new row which is mapped to the same issue. When you copy a flex item or generator, on the other hand, a new copy is created.
Dragging Multiple Items
To move more than one issue at a time, first select multiple issues (click the gray dot at the beginning of each row) and then move them using the Drag and Drop Handle of any of the selected items.
If you have multiple items selected, but start dragging an item that's not included in the multiple selection, only that item is dragged.
Scrolling Structure While Dragging
To move an item to a location not visible in the current panel, drag the item to the top or bottom edge of the structure widget and the structure will be scrolled up or down. The further you move the dragged item, the faster the the screen will scroll.