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Changing Permissions to Configure and Run Effectors

There are three levels of permissions for Effectors:

  • Permission to Configure Effectors - by default, anyone with access to Automation can add and configure Effectors.
  • Permission to Execute Effectors - by default, anyone with view access to a structure (except anonymous users) can run any Effectors within the structure.
  • Permission to Execute Effectors on Query Results - this permission is required to run effectors that were inserted by a Structure Inserter.

In order to run an Effector, user must have Bulk Change global permission in Jira.

You can restrict users' ability to access/run Effectors based on user groups and/or project roles. To do so:

  1. Navigate to Administration | Structure | Configuration.
  2. Scroll to the appropriate Effector permission at the bottom of the page. Click the appropriate "Select who can..." button.
  3. If you choose to assign permission based on Users in selected groups/roles, use the Add Group/Role section to add one or more required user groups or project roles:
    1. Use the drop-down selectors to choose either the Group or Project option.
    2. Choose the required group name or project/role combination. (Note: If project is set to "Any", this means the user should be in the specified role for any of the structure-enabled projects.)
    3. Press the Add button to add it to the list.
  4. You can remove a permission option by clicking the trash can icon on the right of the option. 
  5. Click Apply when done or Cancel to dismiss your changes.

Users who have Jira Administrators global permission are always allowed to create, edit and execute Effectors.