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Creating Tempo Account Categories

Creating Tempo account categories requires the Tempo Account Administrator permission.

Tempo account categories provide an efficient way to organize logged time by type. You can create account categories to group hours by cost center and work activities. For example, if you have several accounts containing sales and marketing data, you could create a 'Sales and Marketing' category and assign those accounts to it.

Each account category you create can have one of four predefined Types that classify the account category for different uses in Tempo: Billable, Capitalized, Internal, and Operational. Types are simply labels that help you identify and filter data in reports: they do not change any other settings in Tempo.

Follow these tutorials to learn how to create account categories for different purposes: Tracking Billable Work for Invoicing Using Tempo Accounts and Tracking Time on Capex for Tax Credits

You can also watch these videos that show the same workflows: How to Create Tempo Accounts for Tracking Billable Work and How to Create Tempo Accounts for Tracking Capex and Opex

To create an account category:

  1. Select Settings in the Tempo sidebar.

  2. Under Accounts, select Account Categories.

  3. In the Account Categories view, enter a Key and Name for the new category, and select a category Type:

    • Billable - hours logged are billed to a customer or billed internally; for example, consultancy work for a customer or hours that an internal service department bills other departments.

    • Capitalized - hours logged that add capital to the business and are not billed; for example, hours that are invested in product development.

      You can track the costs of time logged to Capitalized Type (Capex) and Operational Type (Opex) accounts in a Tempo project in Cost Tracker by Tempo.

    • Internal - hours logged to ongoing activities within the organization that are not billed and do not directly add value to the business; for example, internal training, vacations, or sick leave. These are known as Internal issues in Tempo. See Creating non-billable Tempo accounts for tracking internal hours for more information.

    • Operational - hours logged related to business operations; for example, time spent on marketing activities, internal systems, bug fixes, or customer support (other than billable support).

  4. Click Add to create the new category.

  1. Create an account and select the Category when you fill out the Create Account form.

  2. Click Delete beside an account category that is no longer needed.

If an account in this category is linked to one or more projects or issues, Tempo notifies you that the account is still in use. Select a different account category for the account, or leave the account category unassigned.