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This article is for Timesheets for Cloud. Visit Data Center

Selecting an Account Billing Rate

Creating Tempo accounts requires the Tempo Account Administrator permission.

You must be the Account Lead or a Tempo Account Administrator to edit an account.

If you have Cost Tracker installed and want to track your revenue, you can associate a global billing rate table with the account. Billing rate tables are centrally managed by a Tempo Rate Administrator.

Jira issues are associated with an account when:

When a Tempo user logs work against a Jira issue that’s associated with an account, the account billing rate is used to determine revenue in a Cost Tracker project that includes the issue.

  1. Open an account, and navigate to the Billing Rates tab.

  2. Select a billing rate table.

  3. Click Apply.

Now, when a Cost Tracker project that is configured to apply account rates includes work for this account, the account’s billing rate is used for that work.

For example, if a project tracks work from two different accounts, both account rates are used to determine the project’s revenue. The worklogs associated with Account A use Account A’s billing rates. The worklogs associated with Account B use Account B’s billing rates. Those are totaled to get the project’s revenue.