Approve Timesheet permission | - Review timesheets of Team Members
- Grant grace periods to Team Members to complete their timesheets after a scheduled closing date
- View the team timesheet and reports
- View Tempo team and account gadgets
- Approve accounts
- If the setting 'Configure timesheet approval process' is set to Monthly (Period) or Weekly, permission to:
- Approve and reject timesheets of Team Members
- View the approval logs of Team Members
- Permission to set billed hours if the following check box is selected in Tempo Global Configuration: Users with Approve Timesheet Permission can set billed hours
| - Team Leads automatically receive Approve Timesheet permission for their own teams.
- Tempo Team Administrators can grant themselves Approve Timesheet permission
- To view other team members' worklogs on a timesheet, you must have View All Worklogs permission for the team's projects
- Users cannot approve their own timesheets, even if they are members on their own team.
| - Team Leads
- Tempo Team Administrators
| Tempo > TEAMS more > team name > Configuration > Permissions For more information, see Team permissions.