Worklog Permissions 

  • You can access and use Tempo Timesheets only if you have Work On Issues permission for at least one JIRA project.
  • You can log work in Tempo Timesheets, Time tracking must be ON in JIRA.

If you donUsers who have Work On Issues permission for certain projects but not for all projects can view only their own worklogs for the projects that they do not have Work On Issues permission for. Users with Approve Timesheet permission can log work for all team members if the feature is configured in Tempo Administration.

Editing Worklogs 

Worklogs can be edited according to permission settings in JIRA Project Permissions if issue is editable. There are other restrictions for editing worklogs used in Tempo Timesheets and can be configured according to your needs. The features that may affect worklog editing in Tempo are Period managementTimesheet Approval Process and Tempo Scheduler.

Worklog Properties 

A worklog logged in Tempo has the following properties

  1. Owner - JIRA user who is signed in and and logs work is the owner. Worklog owner can not be changed.
    1. This can be the selected user if Tempo Team leader has a permission to log work for Team members.
  2. Worklog - Date/Time and Hours worked
  3. Attributes - Worklog description, Billed hours, Tempo Worklog Attributes

Please view the Edit Worklogs in Tempo Timesheets page for detailed information on what properties can be edited in Tempo.