This page and its child pages explain how Tempo Timesheets is integrated with JIRA Agile.

Worklogs in Agile Issue Detail view

A Tempo Timesheets Worklogs section is available in issue detail view in JIRA Agile.

This section has two buttons, My Worklogs and All Worklogs. Each shows the respective worklogs associated with the item chosen.

The Tempo Project Managers role to view other users is used in this view so users that don't have this permission for the project can only see their own worklogs. 

If there are no worklogs the message, There are no worklogs is shown.

View Report link is also available in the bottom right corner of this section. Clicking this link, opens the Tempo Timesheets Issue Viewing timesheet in list view for the item.

Logging work from a JIRA Agile board


(Video without voiceover. Time: 0:33)

In the issue action list, Log Work opens the Log Work dialog.

Shortcut key to open the dialog is w.

Other Issue Actions in Agile

Several other Tempo actions are available in the issue action list: