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Export Synchronization

Dark Feature - Synchronizers are hidden by default

We recommend using Automation instead of Synchronizers. Automation is safer, provides additional functionality and flexibility, and uses fewer system resources.

To enable synchronizers, see Advanced Configuration and Dark Features.

When you run an Export synchronization, you use the hierarchy from a structure to create, update or delete issue attributes or features, based on the hierarchy that a specific synchronizer provides.

For example, you can use the Links Synchronizer to create issue links between sub-issues and their parents.

To run Export, you must have Control permissions for the Structure, and you will likely need some additional permissions, depending on which synchronizer you're going to use. For example, you have to have Link Issues permission when working with the Links synchronizer.

To export hierarchy from a structure:

  1. Open the Manage Structures page using the top navigation Structure menu.
  2. Select the structure you'd like to export from and click the Export link. 

    If you don't see the Export link in the Operations column, you may not have Control permissions on this structure.

  3. Select a synchronizer from the drop-down list and configure the export parameters. 

    If there are no synchronizers in the drop-down list, either none are currently installed or none of the installed synchronizers support exporting from a structure.

  4. Enter the synchronizer parameters. Each synchronizer has its own parameters, so please refer to the specific synchronizer documentation.
  5. Click Run Export. When you start the export, the synchronizer will read the current structure and apply it to whatever it syncs with.
  6. After you have clicked Run Export and confirmed the operation, a job status page will be present. When the job is marked Finished, the synchronization is done and you can inspect the results.

When export is run, it runs under your user name and with your permissions. If you don't have enough permissions to make a certain change in Jira, the synchronizer will skip that change (a warning will be printed out in the server logs).

 Import and Export are actually a one-time Resync. Export is resync from Structure and import is resync into Structure. If you need to run export or import periodically, you can set up a synchronizer with all the parameters but without enabling it - so no synchronization happens in the background. When you need to export or import, you can open Synchronization Settings page for the structure and run Resync. Just make sure you've selected the correct Resync direction!