Installing a Synchronizer

This article is for Data Center. Visit Cloud

Installing a Synchronizer

Dark Feature - Synchronizers are hidden by default

We recommend using Automation instead of Synchronizers. Automation is safer, provides additional functionality and flexibility, and uses fewer system resources.

To enable synchronizers, see Advanced Configuration and Dark Features.

When you install a synchronizer on a structure, you make this structure automatically sync with something else (as opposed to doing a one-time import or export).

Here are a couple of examples of how that might work:

  • With a Links Synchronizer installed and enabled, any changes someone makes to the structure will cause issue links to be created or deleted in Jira to match those changes. 
  • With a Filter Synchronizer in Add mode installed and enabled, when someone creates or changes an issue in Jira, if that issue now passes the selected saved filter, it will be automatically added to the structure.
When you install a synchronizer, you define its parameters. These parameters can be edited later.

To install a new synchronizer:

  1. Open the Manage Structure page using the top navigation Structure menu.
  2. Find the structure you'd like to sync. The Sync With column shows currently-installed synchronizers. Click the Settings link in that column.

    If you don't see the Settings link in the Sync With column, you may not have Control permissions for this structure.

  3. The synchronization settings page shows detailed information about each installed synchronizer and lets you work with them. To proceed with the installation of a new synchronizer, select the type of synchronization and click Configure and Install Synchronizer.
  4. Enter the synchronization parameters. Each synchronizer has its own parameters, please refer to the specific synchronizer documentation.

  5. Press the Create button to install the synchronizer. Though installed, the synchronizer is not enabled yet.
    1. Before synchronization is enabled, we recommend running Resync to sync the current state of the structure and Jira. To do so, press the Resync and Enable button after the synchronization is installed, or later use the same link on the synchronization settings page.
    2. If you need to enable synchronization without resyncing first, press Enable without Resyncing.
    3. You can enable and resync the synchronizer later from the synchronization settings page. Press Done if you don't need to enable the newly installed synchronizer now.
After a synchronizer is installed, it's not working yet - it must be Enabled to start monitoring the changes.

 Import and Export are actually a one-time Resync. Export is resync from Structure and import is resync into Structure. If you need to run export or import periodically, you can set up a synchronizer with all the parameters but without enabling it - so no synchronization happens in the background. When you need to export or import, you can open Synchronization Settings page for the structure and run Resync. Just make sure you've selected the correct Resync direction!

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