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Tempo Anonymizer
Tempo Data Center Anonymizer is an executable application which is responsible to anonymize data from backup Jira and sensitive data is replaced based on our business rules knowledge
Basically a Jira export is a ZIP file composed of 2 XML files:
One is the entities.xml. It contains all information regarding Jira itself, with all the data stored in Jira database tables.
The second file is the activeobjects.xml. It contains all the data stored in databases created by any plugin installed on that Jira instance. This, of course, includes all tables created by Tempo plugins.
How to use it
You have two ways of using the tempo anonymizer
Get your backup zip file and run the following command on terminal
java -jar tempo-anonymizer-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar <PUT_HERE_THE_LOCATION_WHERE_BACKUP_ZIP_IS>
java -jar tempo-anonymizer-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ../../tempo-budgets/folio/target/jira/home/export/
The generated file will be renamed as anon-test_backup.zipIf you have already unzip the file, you can choose which the xml (activeobjects.xml or entities.xml) files to anonymize.
Run on your terminal:java -jar tempo-anonymizer-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar <PUT_HERE_THE_LOCATION_WHERE_BACKUP_XML_FILE_IS>
java -jar tempo-anonymizer-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ../../tempo-budgets/folio/target/jira/home/export/test_backup/activeobjects.xml
The generated file will rename to anon-activeobjects.xml
How to get the jar
The artifact of tempo-anonymizer is being uploaded in the link below
Link for download: Tempo DC Anonymizer Releases
Additional Information
Customers should be aware that they need to follow this Atlassian tutorial to anonymize data from Jira. See the document for reference: Anonymising Jira application data | Administering Jira applications Data Center 10.4 | Atlassian Documentation